Daily Diary

A Beautiful Start

Yesterday, and the whole week, have been so productive and wonderful.  I worked on deck railings and firewood and puttered in the sun, caught loose cows and dialed in the CNC.  I just kept tackling things and got so much done, and in the process tired myself out, just in time for the weekend.  So stoked.


Today is going to be so rad.  I’m up and at ’em in the middle of a hard workout, my mountain is out and promising a glorious day of sun and breezes, and I can’t wait to see what I get into!  I get to go into work for a while and try to get that project close to wrapping, then home and if I have any power left I’ll work on more railings.  Whatever happens, I am so stoked to get after it.  I get to, and I got this.

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