Daily Diary

A Blessing

Yesterday was a good day.  I had a great morning, working out and getting caught up online.  Went down and did some shipping, went to town and finally got that stuff to the Goodwill, and emptied the truck.  Stopped by the old boat shop and saw the boys and picked up some fresh salmon since they were just back from AK.  When I got home, I got to some more tasks and ended the day well satisfied and stoked.  It was a good day.

Today is going to be amazing.  I’m getting after these handstands, it’s stormy and windy out and warm and cozy in here.  I’m hoping to get some serious work done on a new set of plans, I’ve got some shipping to do, and maybe list some more stuff.  Hopefully I’ll get a break in the weather and get to putter around outside a bit.  Whatever happens, it’s my day!

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