Daily Diary

A Chance

Yesterday was a good day.  I had a good, hard workout that just about wiped me out in the morning, but I got going and went down to the shop and did some work.  Came back up and got to my desk work, and made some great headway.  I tackled a project that had been waiting for months, and got it done, which felt awesome.  Finished the day with amazing food and a good book, and it was great!

Today is off to a great start and promises to be amazing.  I’m up and at ’em, doing handstands while the fire roars in the stove.  It’s grey and cool out, but will warm up into a late summer hot stretch.  Hopefully I’ll get my last dry task of summer done, some roof work and some firewood, and maybe get to a bike ride or some recreating.  I’d like to take advantage of the last of summer.  Whatever happens, it’s going to be an amazing day!

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