Daily Diary

A Chance at my Goals

Yesterday was a great day. Long and it tired me out, but it was so good.  I had a great morning working on a new project for a friend, and made a lot of progress.  Ate some lunch and then cleaned up and headed into another customer’s shop to work for the afternoon.  Had a great session in there, pushed a few projects a ways forward and felt appreciated and useful.  I got out of there pretty late in the afternoon and got home in time for yoga, dinner, and then pretty much right to bed as I was spent.  It was a great day.

Today is going to be amazing. I’m up and about to start my squats and leg work, the fire is lit and it’s cool and grey outside.  I’ve got a desk full of work to do for various clients and I intend to sit here and get them done if possible.  Hopefully there will be time for some cleaning and a perhaps a bit of fencing, and maybe some guitar and definitely some eating and chilling and being thankful.  Whatever I get into today, I can’t wait to see how I progress.  It’s my day!

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