Daily Diary

Another Chance

Yesterday and the weekend were wonderful.  I had a great Saturday, ran errands and cruised around the property in the sun, had a lovely visit from my neighbor, and spent some time putting the solar panels back up and getting some work done.  I got a lot done and had a great day, then cruised into Sunday tired out and ready to chill.  I spent Sunday just relaxing and playing guitar, and it was a lovely day.  I’m ready for progress!

Today is going to be amazing.  It’s clear and beautiful and very cold out, and it’s warm in here with a toasty fire raging.  I’m getting after my handstands and am going to go hard in my workout here, then it’s shipping and down to the mail box and a walk.  Once I get that all finished up I’m going to head up here and make progress on some projects while the sun shines.  Not sure what I’ll get into, but it’s going to be a gorgeous day and I’m going to make it count.  It’s my day, and I can’t wait to see what it holds!

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