Daily Diary

Another Shot

Yesterday and the weekend were very good.  I had a restful couple of days, it snowed and became bitter cold outside and I mostly stayed in and made progress.  I had a great Saturday morning, published new plans and a video and created quite a bit, then headed into the afternoon for chilling and some music and food and rest.  I spent Sunday doing much the same, made some music and rested and reflected.  It was a great weekend.

Today is off to a great start.  I’m doing handstands and just did a rad one, my fire is raging and it’s as cold as it ever gets here outside.  Clear and beautiful, but very cold.  I’m going to push a lot of things down the road this week, and today I’ll start by doing some morning online work, then it’s off to town for errands, then home to dig into some projects.  Probably stay in today while the cold snap blows through, but who knows, it may be sunny and glorious out and I’ll be out there.  Either way, it’s going to be a great day and I’m moving forward.  My day!

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