Daily Diary

Another Shot

Yesterday was a great day.  I had a long push at work and got a long ways, and felt much more rested and ready than I have for a while.  Still a little sniffle but I’m mostly over last week’s illness and am feeling much better.  I got a lot done and had a good afternoon at home relaxing and taking care of small tasks.  It was a great day.

Today is going to be incredible.  I’m up and at my workout and it’s hard.  I already captured the chickens in the early dawn dark and got them boxed up as I’ll take them to work and give them to a friend today.   Then it will be work all day until it’s time to head home.  I’ve got some errands to do then home to rest and eat and chill.  Can’t wait to see how the day unfolds, it’s my day!

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