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Articles posted by Permsteader (Page 32)
  • Daily Diary

    Another Shot

    Yesterday was a good day.  I spent most of it at my desk, which surprised me, and I am super pleased with my progress.  This big desk job is going to get done, one of these days! Stoked.  I ended the day with yoga and chilling and reflecting, and it was great. Today is going

    Yesterday was a good day.  I spent most of it at my desk, which surprised me, and I am super

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  • Daily Diary

    A New Beginning

    Yesterday was a good day.  I had a good morning of workout and desk work, shipped and moved the livestock, and some relaxing.  The afternoon came with a meeting with a new potential tenant, which went great and I checked that job of the list, finally!  That was great.  I finished the day with a

    Yesterday was a good day.  I had a good morning of workout and desk work, shipped and moved the livestock,

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  • Daily Diary


    Yesterday was wonderful.  I mostly moved slow, but still got the solar panels moved to the sauna roof, moved a stack of firewood, and had a lovely visit from my parents.  I made a lot of progress, mostly internal, and it was awesome.  A fabulous day. Today is off to a great start.  I’ve got

    Yesterday was wonderful.  I mostly moved slow, but still got the solar panels moved to the sauna roof, moved a

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  • Daily Diary


    Yesterday and the weekend were spectacular.  I had a great, mellow Saturday.  Did some shipping and online work, wrote a bit, had a visitor, and generally just rested and reflected.  Sunday was wonderful, I spent the whole day in town with friends, and loved it.  It was a great weekend, and I’m rested and ready

    Yesterday and the weekend were spectacular.  I had a great, mellow Saturday.  Did some shipping and online work, wrote a

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  • Daily Diary

    I Got This

    Yesterday was a great day.  I had a good morning, ran around and shipped and sowed some seed in the new open dirt.  Got on the roof for the last time before winter and shored up some roofing, and tackled a lot of little summer’s end tasks in the glorious sun of a fading summer. 

    Yesterday was a great day.  I had a good morning, ran around and shipped and sowed some seed in the

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  • Daily Diary


    Yesterday was a good day.  I had a good morning with online work, then got in the excavator and made a lot of progress on dirt work.  Came up for lunch, then headed to town for errands, and got home in time to plumb a new pump and finally get the water supply sorted for

    Yesterday was a good day.  I had a good morning with online work, then got in the excavator and made

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  • Daily Diary

    On Course

    Yesterday was a good day.  I had a great morning and got a long way on my project of cleaning out the studio and moving things up here.  Spent a good couple hours doing that, then ate lunch and then met with a new tenant.  Went well, and I had enough time and energy to

    Yesterday was a good day.  I had a great morning and got a long way on my project of cleaning

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  • Daily Diary

    A Gift

    Yesterday was a good day.  I started with a new approach to my workout, and I did myself in for the rest of the day! I went a bit too hard, and spent the rest of the day sore and going slow, but it was good.  I still got a lot done, and made some

    Yesterday was a good day.  I started with a new approach to my workout, and I did myself in for

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  • Daily Diary

    Goals Ahead

    Yesterday and the weekend were wonderful.  I had a lovely Saturday working at my desk, and got a long way on plans and projects.  I did a lot of resting, and ended Sunday with a great dinner at friends’, and it was lovely.  It was a great weekend, relaxing and productive and social.  Stoked. Today

    Yesterday and the weekend were wonderful.  I had a lovely Saturday working at my desk, and got a long way

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  • Daily Diary

    Goals Ahead

    Yesterday was a great day.  I had a good morning of shipping and organizing, then got into the repair job and got the excavator put back together, did some work on the West approach, and then headed into town.  I went to the dump, got fuel, and got home in time for more work on

    Yesterday was a great day.  I had a good morning of shipping and organizing, then got into the repair job

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