Daily Diary

Back At It

Yesterday was wonderful.  I got so much done, and stayed right in the moment the whole time.  Windy and cooler, and perfect for puttering around, so that’s what I did.  Checked a lot of the list, but the big one…..I finally have truck access to the shack again, after 9 months of carrying all the everything up that hill!  So stoked.


Today is off to another great start.  On my bike now, done with legs and abs work, and getting ready to head to town for errands, then going to do some actual paying work for the first time in a while.  We’ll see, but I’m excited to use the opportunity to move towards my goals so I’ll give it a shot and see if I can do it without compromising my health.  I think I can, but I won’t budge on my commitment to me, so I’m not worried about the rabbit hole.  So stoked on opportunities and potential!  I got this.

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