Daily Diary


Yesterday was a fantastic day.  I had a great morning workout and worked on creating some video, then headed across town to meet my parents for lunch.  It was so great to see them, and to be out and about.  We had a lovely visit and they made me happy by being healthy and active and I am so thankful for that.  I headed home afterwards and did some online work and puttering around, but didn’t tackle anything significant.  It was great, just what I needed to do!

Today is going to be wonderful.  I’m up and getting ready to work my legs, my fire is ripping and it’s warm in here and cool and dry outside.  I’ve got people coming to see the room and hopefully I’ll end the day with that project close to done, and it’s been on my list for a while now so that will feel great.  Even if it’s not a done deal, I’m going to put in some time today.  I may get to the dump afterwards, or maybe some fencing.  I’m looking forward to progress today, time to get after it!

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