Daily Diary

Blessed With Opportunity

Yesterday was a great day.  I had a great morning, did some online work and a great leg workout, then headed to town for errands.  Ran into a dear old friend I hadn’t seen for a long time and it was great to catch up.  I came home and got after some indoor projects, online work, yoga, and a lovely evening relaxing by the fire with a good meal.  It was a good one.

Today is going to be amazing.  I’m doing handstands and just did a great one!  The fire is ripping and it’s warm and cozy, clear and cold out, and I’m up and so looking forward to progress today.  I am going to stay positive and way up in the moment, give thanks, and make progress.  I’ve got some online tasks I’d like to tackle, some fencing to do, a big project cleaning up the big house, and all sorts of other things to occupy my time and focus my progress.  Not sure what I’ll get into, but it’s going to be a great day!

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