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Archive by category "Daily Diary" (Page 20)
  • Daily Diary

    New Day

    Yesterday was a wonderfully productive day.  I got right to firewood chores in the morning, and got a long way.  Dropped a few trees, bucked ’em and got them to the splitter, and actually ran a splitter load and have a big pile to stack this morning.  When I finished that, I had energy to

    Yesterday was a wonderfully productive day.  I got right to firewood chores in the morning, and got a long way. 

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  • Daily Diary

    A Day to Progress

    Yesterday was incredible!  I had so much energy, and got so much done.  I finally tackled some of the mundane tasks I’ve had on my list forever, did some fencing, and finally got back to my declutter and stuff reduction project.  It felt great, I had a great day! Today is going to be amazing. 

    Yesterday was incredible!  I had so much energy, and got so much done.  I finally tackled some of the mundane

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  • Daily Diary

    Trying Again

    Yesterday was another really good one.  I had a great workout, then it was eclipse time!  Pretty dang rad.  I made a pinhole box viewer and enjoyed the show, then cruised into the afternoon, puttering and picking at minor tasks.  Mostly I rested, and it was wonderful.  Thankful for a great day. Today is going

    Yesterday was another really good one.  I had a great workout, then it was eclipse time!  Pretty dang rad.  I

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  • Daily Diary

    Another Chance

    Yesterday and the weekend were long and wonderful.  I was out of town, visiting the family, and it was great.  I swam and ate and visited, and made a lot of progress.  I am so thankful for all of my family.  It was a great weekend. Today is going to be incredible.  I just PR’d

    Yesterday and the weekend were long and wonderful.  I was out of town, visiting the family, and it was great. 

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  • Daily Diary

    Take a Break

    Yesterday was wonderful, again.  It was a mellow one.  I had a great morning workout, walked the property and checked fences and livestock, did some long overdue truck maintenance, and did a lot of planning and ground work for my next big push.  It was a good day, lots of rest, and lots of progress.

    Yesterday was wonderful, again.  It was a mellow one.  I had a great morning workout, walked the property and checked

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  • Daily Diary

    A New Chance

    Yesterday was amazing.  I had a great morning workout, then got in the shop and wrapped up a two year project that has been hanging over me.  It took all day, but I got it DONE!  Feels so good to have it behind me.  Stoked.   Today is off to a great start.  A glorious

    Yesterday was amazing.  I had a great morning workout, then got in the shop and wrapped up a two year

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  • Daily Diary

    So Much Forward

    Yesterday I had a great day!  I had a plan to finish the digital design on my new project, and get to cutting on the machine.  I did it all, had some stumbling blocks, but overcame and ended with a pretty much done project.  Ready for phase 2 today.  Stoked. Today is going to be

    Yesterday I had a great day!  I had a plan to finish the digital design on my new project, and

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  • Daily Diary

    Another Spin

    Yesterday and  the weekend were fantastic.  I simply rested, and it was so great.  I tired myself out to the bone on siding last week, so I sat and chilled.  I took photos, worked on design in cad, and just sat and revived myself.  Wonderful. Today is off to a great start!  I’m mid workout

    Yesterday and  the weekend were fantastic.  I simply rested, and it was so great.  I tired myself out to the

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  • Daily Diary

    Towards Goals

    Yesterday was wonderful.  I made such progress, and am so stoked.  The siding is DONE!  That was my big summer task, and it’s done.  I’m so, so stoked.  What a milestone. Today is going to be awesome.  I’m tired from a big week of progress, and am hoping to take it a bit easy with

    Yesterday was wonderful.  I made such progress, and am so stoked.  The siding is DONE!  That was my big summer

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  • Daily Diary

    Going Hard

    Yesterday was incredible.  I went for it, and got a lot done.  I started with trim in the kitchen, then got on the roof and added a few sheets of roofing, sealed the chimney, and cut the overhangs.  Stoked.  Then I framed in the start of the shower house before breakfast.  Ate, then cruised into

    Yesterday was incredible.  I went for it, and got a lot done.  I started with trim in the kitchen, then

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