Daily Diary

Checking Off

Yesterday was nuts.  I mean, I got so much done.  So much.  Worked, home and eating, then I got after it.  Got up on that ladder and sheeted the whole front, trimmed the window opening, and generally pushed things way down the road.  So stoked, checking things off the summer hot list at a wicked clip.


Today is off to a great start.  I did my workout warmup, but it’s rest week!  So, I’m warmed up and getting on that ladder again in a few minutes here.  Hopefully, I’ll get this front wall insulated and inner sheeting and trim up this morning, then move the roofing over to the shed project and hopefully get the roof finished before a big rain hits this afternoon.  It’s pretty grey and cold out there right now, so hopefully it will hold off.  Either way though, it’s gonna be a rad day.  Can’t wait to get to it!  I got this.

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