Daily Diary

Get in the Groove

Yesterday was another really good one.  My workout was fabulous, then I walked the property and took the shipping out to the box, checked on all the ruminants and ducks, then back to the shack for a great push inside.  It rained like it was winter again, so I spent most of the day puttering around online and indoors, cleaning up old projects and loose ends.  I didn’t use much hardware, but I got a lot done, and it was rad.


Today is going to be so great.  My workout is half done and hard as heck, and I love it.  I am gonna get this damn muscle up before I turn 50, dangit!  Today I did a few lightly assisted MUs and man!  I am close, but they are hard.  I’ve got some more stuff to box and ship, and then hopefully it’ll be dry enough to get out there and do some welding and splitting and get moving forward on shakes and siding.  Gotta finish that this summer, and I’m gonna.  Because I got this.

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