Daily Diary

I Get To

Yesterday was a very good day.  I had a great morning in the shack, went down the hill to put the bull back in the pasture again, then came up and cleaned up.  Had a lovely meeting with my new tenant and then to town for errands.  When I got back I had some business calls to make and a bit of work for a customer.  I finished that up and then had a lovely conversation with an old friend, then cruised into the evening with guitar playing and dinner.  It was a good one.

Today is going to be amazing.  I’m up and it’s break time from workouts, but I’m going to do a little here shortly.  My fire is lit and it’s warm in here and calm and misty outside.  I’m off to work at a customer’s this morning, then a few errands before back here for a Friday wind down, hopefully with guitar playing and for sure with some giving thanks for all of my blessings.  I’m so stoked lately, and I am so thankful!  Can’t wait to see how great I can make today!

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