Daily Diary

My Day

Yesterday was a great day.  I had a lovely morning workout and then down to cruise around, ship, list, and take care of my compulsory tasks.  Came back up for lunch, then got to some fencing and made a new temporary set up to move the cows and sheep into, where they can graze some good forage for a few days.  I had some great interaction with people building stoves, and generally had an excellent day.

Today is going to be amazing.  It’s cold and clear out there, my fire is ripping and I’m about to get after my squats and leg work.  Hoping to get some fencing done today, and maybe a trip to town.  Not sure what else I’ll get into, but I’m hoping to make a lot of progress and push forward towards my goals.  I’m so thankful for this opportunity, another day, another shot.  My day!

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