Yesterday was a wonderful day. I got into work early and got after it, despite the cold. I pushed hard and got a lot done, and had a lot of great interactions while I worked. I’m really enjoying the social aspect, as well as feeling appreciated and valuable. I’m so thankful for this opportunity to interact and feel valued. It was a great day.
Today promises to be more of the same. I’m up and getting into my leg workout, it’s raining outside and warm and cozy in here with a raging fire. I’m going to head into work and go at this current project, and it sounds like they will pull me off of this one and put me on a new one mid day today. Looking forward to a change of scenery and a new challenge, but it will be hard to leave this one alone, although I’ll be back to it an a few more days. I’m going to get after it and have a great day, I can’t wait to see how it unfolds!