Daily Diary


Yesterday was great, again.  I had a lovely morning puttering around and working out, then headed to a friend’s farm to check on his new lambs.  Four strong healthy little Jacobs were bouncing around in his pasture, what a great way for me to start my day!  I went to town and ran errands after that, then home for a great day of work and rest and progress.  I had a wonderful afternoon and evening as well, it was a great day!

Today is off to a good start.  I’m up and at my handstands with a ripping fire, it’s cool and rainy out, and I’ve got a great day ahead.  I’m hoping to sit here and get these plans ready to publish, and perhaps go all the way and get them up on the site.  We’ll see, I am looking forward to a chill Friday evening as I’ve worn myself out, so I may start the chill early and just putter today.  Not sure what I’ll get into, but it’s going to be a great day!

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