Daily Diary

New Day

Yesterday was a wonderfully productive day.  I got right to firewood chores in the morning, and got a long way.  Dropped a few trees, bucked ’em and got them to the splitter, and actually ran a splitter load and have a big pile to stack this morning.  When I finished that, I had energy to get on the machine and keep digging at the winter pond, which was awesome.  It was a great day!

Today is going to be so great.  I’m up early and at my handstands already.  The sun is still a faint glow behind the horizon, and I’ve got a great list of tasks to choose from today.  Hopefully I’ll get the wood stacked, and perhaps get in the shop and start building up my winter work area.  We will see, whatever happens, I’m stoked.  My day!

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