Daily Diary

New Season

Yesterday and the weekend were incredible.  I had visitors on Friday, and they were willing to help me get the big window up into it’s location above the front door.  It was quite a project, but it’s up there!  After waiting all summer for some help, it felt so good to get that done.  Saturday I spent the day framing and trimming and finishing it in, and it’s done and done.  So stoked.  After that, I had breakfast on Sunday with friends in town, then rested and rested.  It was awesome!

Today is off to a great start.  It’s rainy and dark out, I’m in the middle of handstands and have a lovely fire glowing and warming.  I’m going to give it my all here in this workout, then head into the day.  I have some desk tasks I’d like to get done, and some organizing, but I’m not sure what I’ll get into today. Can’t wait to see!  My day.

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