Daily Diary

Opportunity Ahead

Yesterday was such a great day.  I had a good morning in the snow, and was so stoked on the winter surprise.  I did some wiring and got the router hooked up to the solar set up so I could internet with the power out, then came up and had lunch.  Then I realized the snow had taken down a whole section of fence and the cows and sheep were out.  I spent the rest of the day fixing fences and chasing livestock.  I was exhausted when I finally ended it all at dark.  Hope they are still in there!

Today is going to be incredible.  I’m up and getting after it, it’s cold out and in, since I just lit the fire.  I’m tired from yesterday, so may or may not get to my leg workout, but I’m going to get some stuff done today for sure.  I intend to get to town and get some errands done, buy some fence and food, and come home to seal up the bad fences and make some new ones.  We will see how far I get, but…it’s my day!

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