Daily Diary

Positive Progress

Yesterday was a great day.  I was super productive, despite a slow start and a bit of a worn down feeling.  I got going despite it and got the old pantry cleaned out, loaded the truck and hit the dump and shed a bunch of build up.  That felt great.  I went to town for an appliance I long needed, and that also felt great to come home with.  I came up the hill for a relaxing afternoon and spent the evening chilling and eating.  A good one.

Today is going to be amazing.  I’m focused on progress and positivity, and I’m going to make it count.  I’ve got a few tasks to choose from, grouting my entry, maybe some video work, maybe laundry and setting up the new machine.  Currently I’m doing handstands and just did a great one, which is progress already!  I might get to town and do some shopping, just to get out and about, but perhaps I’ll just stay here and buckle down on progress, or even just rest.  We will see, but whatever happens, it’s my day!

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