Daily Diary

Progress Ahead

Yesterday was a great one.  I was super productive, installed the new dryer, did laundry, fixed the water system, grouted the entry and cleaned that up, and a whole lot more.  I also got a call for some more paying work which I’ll get to shortly.  I had a great afternoon puttering around up here, up and down the hill for laundry, and ended the day tired but stoked and with great progress.  It was a good one.

Today is going to be fabulous.  I’m up and at my handstands and just did a great one!  The fire is ripping and it’s warming up in here, cool and a big storm passed last night so it’s wet and the air is clear feeling.  I’m ready to get going early and get into my customer’s shop to give them a good day of work and progress on their projects.  I’ll hit the store and hopefully come home with something great for dinner.  Not sure if I’ll get a chance to do much else, but I’m looking forward to seeing the day unfold and making progress.  My day!

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