Daily Diary


Yesterday was a very good day.  I got after my fencing, despite the snow and cold and crust, and I got a long ways.  I hung 330′ of fence on posts I put up last week, and almost finished my pasture, but ran out of fence.  Frustrating!  I got geared up and headed back to town, got another roll, and got home in time to finish the fence and get the animals moved and contained.  That felt great!  Then up top to collapse, as this week has worn me out!  It was a good day.

Today is going to be wonderful.  I’m up and doing handstands, with difficulty as I’m sore and spent.  But, I’m getting after it, and my fire is warm and it’s cold and grey out, and I’m stoked.  Hopefully I will mostly chill today, perhaps some fence finish work and puttering about, but hopefully no more chasing loose cows and hauling heavy stuff all over hill and dale through the snow.  We will see how it goes, but I can’t wait to see the day unfold, it’s my day!

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