Daily Diary

So Fortunate

Yesterday was a great day.  It was a downpour all day, with wind howling most of it.  I had a wonderful morning workout, then chilled and watched the storm for a while as I did my online Monday work.  I went for a walk around in the pouring rain and checked on the damage from the storm before, picked up my solar panel and went to the mailbox, then came in for the rest of the day.  I had a lovely conversation with a friend, watched some film and got some great news from another friend.  I also ate some prosciutto and the salt made me sick, so I had a bit of discomfort and spent some down time from that, but it was still a fabulous day overall.  Went to bed feeling better and slept great.

Today is promising to be a good one.  I’m up and at my handstands, the fire is going and it’s not windy or raining out.  I’m hoping to keep pushing on this task of computer backup, learn some new software, and hopefully spend some time outdoors while it’s not raining.  I plan to head down and clean out some stuff from the house, maybe bring up a few last things, and perhaps a trip to town is in the cards today.  I’m not sure what I’ll get into, but I can’t wait to see the day unfold. My day!

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