Daily Diary

Starting Off Right

Yesterday and the weekend were incredible.  Saturday I just kept the week going, and was super productive in the shop.  Yesterday was amazing, I started in the shop.  Got a burn pile going, used the CNC to finish my first project, cleaned the shop, and came up for lunch.  Cory called, and I went over after lunch and picked up seven sheep to add to my flock.  Awesome.  Came home, unloaded, and settled in….when Cory called again.  He came over in the afternoon and we got the old mower out of the garage and gone!  Off my list!  Stoked.  Then, I somehow made a video and uploaded it.  Incredible day!


Today is off to a good start.  I’m in the middle of my workout and it is hard.  I am not able to do as much lifting as I could two weeks ago, so I guess my cut is working.  I’m looking forward to building muscle again, but…..I would like to loose another lb or two before starting to add more weight to my middle.  Well, we’ll see what happens there, I’m going hard and stoked on my program.  Goals ahoy!  I’ve got a bit of organizing and planning to do on this Monday, some shipping and cleaning, and then hopefully I’ll get to fencing or more shop organizing, in preparation for getting the last stuff out of the house.  Whatever I get into, I’m gonna get after it.  It’s gonna be a rad day.  I got this.

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