Daily Diary


Yesterday was a great, great day.  I started with errands in town, had great success, then came home and got after the fencing.  Had a good, productive fencing session and still had energy to get on the roof and seal the chimney before Fall comes in earnest.  Stoked.  I ended with a lovely visit from one of my oldest friends and his wife, and it was lovely.  I’m so thankful!

Today is going to be amazing.  The sunrise is incredible, my handstands are progressing, and I’m on deck for some great progress today.  I am hoping that I will have two friends stop by today as they are planning, and maybe, just maybe, I’ll finally get the help I need to get that dang window in.  It’s been waiting since May, and I can’t wait much longer.  If that happens, I’ll be so incredible thankful.  If not, I’ve got a bunch of other great tasks to tackle and move myself closer to my goals.  Can’t wait to see how the day unfolds.  I got this!

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