Daily Diary

This Day is Mine

Yesterday was a great day.  I had an awesome morning workout, did some online work, then got my boots on and got outside and worked in the woodshed until lunch time.  I got a long ways, cleaned out this year’s old mess and got it ready for the new stacks.  Started the splitter and made a big pile of splits ready to stack.  I’m off and running and it feels good to be refilling the stacks.  After I tired of splitting I came in and had a lovely afternoon inside, cleaning and online work and organizing and resting and reflecting.  It was a good day.

Today is going to be wonderful.  I’m up and it’s break time from workouts, I’m sitting here warm and cozy by the fire while it drizzles away in the cold grey outside.  I’m off to work here shortly, hopefully going to put out a fire on a customers’ build and help them finish up a project, then to the store and a few errands in town before home.  This afternoon I hope to tackle some more creative production, and I’m not sure what else.  It’s my day!

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