Daily Diary

Today I Get To

Yesterday was a great day.  I did almost nothing at all, which is unlike me and was wonderful.  I am at the end of a 5 week workout cycle and the end of a 90 day goal cycle, and it’s break time!  My job is to rest, and I need it.  I think my new intense training regimen these last 5 weeks has been more stressful than I first thought, and I have not been recovering fully between workouts.  It caught up to me this last week, and I’ve been feeling run down.  Time to chill and reflect and restructure for the next cycle!

Today is going to to be awesome.  I’m planning on just relaxing.  Watch some football, eat a lot, maybe putter about outside spreading grass seed or something low impact.  Maybe a bike ride, maybe.  Mostly resting and thinking and being thankful for how much good fortune has come my way lately.  I am so excited to set my new goals and make a whole lot of progress in some new, exciting directions.  So stoked.  Stoked on today.

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