Daily Diary

Today is My Day

Yesterday was another great one.  I had a good morning, again it was freezing cold and I puttered around and walked the property.  Did some shipping and came back up for online work and got a long way.  Had a productive session in the shack, then had a lovely lunch and headed into the afternoon for more of the same.  I got a lot done, learned a lot and moved my projects forward. I wrapped it up with chilling and eating and learning, it was a good day!

Today is going to be great.  I’m up and it’s super cold outside again, but warm in here by the fire.  I’m doing handstands and pullups and killing it, and am getting ready to clean myself up and head into town. I’ve got some errands to run, a few things to get and do, and then it’ll be home to produce some momentum towards my goals.  I’m hoping to get a bit farther on this publishing, perhaps update my website and share some new reviews, and I’m not sure what else.  All I know is, it’s my day!

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