Daily Diary

Try and Succeed

Yesterday was a great day.  I had a mellow one, but got a lot done.  I started with a panic when I was doing some website work and accidentally broke the whole thing.  Took most of the morning to sort that out, and while it frustrated me at the time I learned a lot and progressed due to that misstep, so I’m thankful for that lesson.  I had a great afternoon after that, very productive and I took care of a lot of small tasks that had been weighing on my list.  It was a good one.

Today is going to be incredible.  I’m up and at my handstands, late due to fog which fooled my internal clock as it just stayed dark.  Stoked to get a bit more rest.  I’m going to murder this workout, then take care of a bit of online work and then it’s down the hill to pack and ship and do some cleaning up for the next tenant.  Hopefully I’ll get into some fun this afternoon, and I know I’ll make progress no matter what happens.  It’s my day!

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