Daily Diary

Wet Progress

Yesterday was great.  It was, and still is, and absolute deluge outside.  I suited up and did my walk and shipping and got to town for errands.  I was home for breakfast, and from there I stayed in and got on with my plans and stove work.  It was great, I had a lot of success and made a lot of progress.  I ended with a great steak and relaxing evening listening to the rain fall.  Lovely.

Today is going to be wonderful.  I’m up and on my bike, the fire is ripping and I’m testing it’s cleanliness and efficiency and it’s phenomenal.  I’m hoping to get outside in the downpour and do some drainage digging, I have to pack up some things and ship, and perhaps I’ll get some more stuff listed.  If I feel right I’ll make some videos and create some more content, or maybe I’ll just chill in the rain and reflect and plan more progress.  Whatever I get into, I can’t wait to see what the day brings!

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